
Diagemtas Bizzie

5 March 2006 – 17 October 2014

2013-3-2 _ Bizzie _ 2100It was with great sadness that I had to let Bizzie go to the Rainbow Bridge on 25th June 2014. One of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Losing her made a big impact on my other dogs and they were unsettled for quite a time after. Lace, her daughter, is a constant reminder as she has many of her mother’s ways. Bizzie will never be forgotten.
Bizzie was a dual registered tri red merle and like her mother Reba absolutely loved people and would be happy being fussed all day.
She passed her Bronze, Silver and Gold Good Citizen tests.
She also enjoyed her training for flyball.2009-6-4 _ Bizzie flying high  _ 0104
She was the acrobat of the pack and loved jumping for a ball or walking and doing circles while on her hind legs. Below is one of many photos I have of Bizzie in mid air.