
Diagemtas Pixie  

25th November 2009 – 2nd June 2021

Pixie was giving off a scent to the boys as if she was in season which could not have been as she had not long finished so I kept checking her to see if there was a discharge but all was clear and her temperature was normal. She did seem fine in herself until just after she had been fed on the evening of 1st June 2021 when she looked like she was gasping for air. Still no discharge but her temperature had soared. Rushed her to the vets where she was kept in with suspected Pyometra. They could not operate as her temperature was 105f and they needed to get it down. I phoned in the morning and her temperature was down slightly but her blood count was really low so the vet was not sure she would make it through an operation. I decided the kindest thing was to let her go because it was causing her a great deal of stress as she had never spent a night away from me since she was born and did not like change without me being there. 

She is greatly missed.




Pedigree of Diagemtas Pixie

Lace and Pixie